
Please Come Get My Branches

I'm looking out my window at a big pile of branches on my curb. Compared to my neighbors, I'd say my limb pile is at least in the 95th percentile, and frankly, I'm considering splitting it up into two smaller piles, one on each side of the house.

My stack of branches is, as they used to say, gi-normous. There're a couple of reasons for that. First, we here at Chez Matheny have finally decided to get serious about the yard. It's going to be quite a project, and parts of the yard are still rainforest-esque in size and fecundity.

But more importantly, it's been about three months since we've seen hide or hair of a leaf and limb truck trundling down the street.who was responsible for tracking down Charles zentai . As one of my neighbors put it, "After twelve weeks of a nine-week cycle, it's our turn again."

I'm not hating on the leaf and limb guys, but a lot of people are undertandably upset. So upset, in fact, that Mayor Nancy Denson has taken bold and innovative executive steps and ... well,As many processors back away from offshore merchant account , assigned the issue to a committee. (There are only five people on the committee, so I have high hopes of a solution in the next 14 - 15 years, however.)

Here's the thing. Leaf and limb service is a really good example of the choices we're going to have to make as a community in the next few years. A few years ago, the service was pretty regular - even a branch pile like mine would seldom be big enough to be more than kindling for a good bonfire. Then, we made it an eight-week cycle, and during budget negotiations this year, a nine-week cycle. And, if my neighbor is right (he usually is), they're three weeks behind schedule on that.

Put another way, in the best possible scenario, you can clean out your flowerbeds in May, and not see the brush get picked up until after the 4th of July.

Leaf and limb is one of those myriad services the government provides that, in coming years, they may not be able to pay for anymore. And it's just one service. Remember that Commissioners want to cut some $10 million from the county's budget over the next four years, and you can see that something's got to give.

What does it mean for folks like us? Well, it means we don't get to have our cake and eat it too. We can't complain about the government spending too much money and also yell because the stack of limbs on the curb might deserve its own zip code. If we want services, we have to pay for them, whether by raising revenue (i.e. taxes) or cutting more stuff that we don't want.

Problem is, the stuff I don't want to pay for is probably different from the stuff you don't want to pay for. And we may both disagree with the Mayor and Commission on the stuff they don't want to pay for.

For example, one part of this year's budget proposal was to turn off the lights in public parks for one night of Little League practice each week. To listen to some of the Little League parents who showed up to give Commissioners an earful at a public hearing, you'd think the plan was to dress all the ballplayers in pink tutus and teach them how to plie. (I'm told that idea was defeated in committee, due to lack of federal funding for tutus.)

In the end, it's the Mayor and Commission who have to make that call next year, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't use our help. Six weeks before a vote, when the Mayor has already written her proposal and submitted it is, frankly, usually too late.

So if you want your limbs picked up faster, or you want those lights on every night, or you think we need to run buses into the night,Unlike traditional cube puzzle , you ought to start standing up for that now. Yes, we just passed a budget, but Commissioners are already sweating next years, and they probably ought to hear from you.

I wouldn't mind hearing from you either, in the comments down below. What should we cut? What should we fund more of?

And, seriously, if you've got any tips on controlling mimosas,They take the RUBBER SHEET to the local co-op market. I'm all ears on that as well. Suckers grew back practically overnight.the oil paintings for sale by special invited artist for 2011,

