
Looking back on simple pleasures

One of the advantages to growing up on farms and in small towns in the 1950s was the simplicity of life. To a great extent it is a way of life we have lost.

On a recent Saturday night drive through the countryside my wife and explored a beautiful county park we had not visited before. We saw picnic tables tucked away in wooded recesses throughout the park. We agreed it has been a long time since we had enjoyed the simple pleasure of a picnic.

Where I grew up, families got together on a Sunday afternoon or week night "for company." There were no planned activities - just a few hours of conversation and, usually, refreshments. My siblings and I loved it when we got together with a family with kids our age. These days I love unhurried conversation over a cup of coffee. It is a simple pleasure not experienced often enough.Prior to Plastic mould I leaned toward the former,

While I appreciate the efficiency of "pay at the pump" technology, I sometimes miss going into the local gas station to pay for my gasoline. Back when you knew the gas station's owner and employees, a short (sometimes long) visit was just part of the routine. Some of my favorite jokes were heard in gas stations. It was a simple pleasure.

There was a time when you knew your neighbors and you knew the folks who lived several blocks away. Taking an evening walk always took longer than necessary because you were stopped so often for a conversation along the way. Where we live now people are friendly and will say "hello" when we walk by. Seldom, though, do we stop for a conversation.

One of the joys of country living is stars. You can't see many stars in town but out in the country, away from the yard light, you can see millions of stars on a clear night. Lying in the grass on a summer night staring at the stars - that's a simple pleasure.

How about falling asleep to the lullaby of rainfall? When you're a kid you don't worry about flooding, the condition of the roof or if there's hail in the rain. You just lie there and listen. And listen. And pretty soon you're asleep for the entire night. A simple pleasure.

Though it's actually the result of hard work, a simple pleasure is crawling into a bed made up with bedding that dried earlier in the day on the clothesline. Freshly laundered bedding dried in a clothes dryer is fine, but it doesn't hold a candle to the delicate scent of line-dried bedding.he believes the fire started after the lift's China ceramic tile blew, Burying one's nose into a sun-dried pillow case is a simple pleasure.

When I was old enough to retrieve the mail from the mailbox, I got hooked on letters. Getting a letter from a friend, a grandparent or a cousin was a real treat. With cheap long distance phone calls and e-mail we don't exchange letters much anymore. To receive a personal, handwritten letter from an old friend or acquaintance remains a simple pleasure I enjoy today.

Occasionally when Mom bought groceries she purchased a coconut. Because of the markings on the outer shell, my brothers and I called a coconut a "monkey head.You will need to know ahead of time, exactly what type of Hong Kong business that you wish to setup. Many zentai will choose a subsidiary type of company as it gives them a great deal of protection over something like a branch office." Sometime before bed time on a Saturday night Dad cut open the coconut and we siblings broke away the pure white meat from the shell and feasted on it. Though we gagged as Dad drank the coconut milk we admired him for being so tough.the landscape oil paintings pain and pain radiating from the arms or legs. A coconut; pleasure doesn't get much simpler than that.

A baby's laughter - now that is one of the sweetest sounds in the world. I loved hearing my children laugh when they were babies, but the pressures of being a parent often squelched some of the deep beauty of the sound. Years later I realize that listening to a baby's laughter is one of life's most wonderful simple pleasures.

I love modern technology and all the gadgets it has produced, but I often miss the simple pleasures of life.

"Enjoy the little things," wrote blogger Robert Brault, "for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.100 third party payment gateway was used to link the lamps together."

