
Enhancing the body is this Temple’s objective

Rome likes to point to the health care industry as one of its points of pride. Facilities like Redmond Regional Medical Center, Harbin Clinic, Floyd Medical Center and Coosa Clinic draw people from all across Northwest Georgia to Rome.

Those facilities typically catch citizens on the back end of the health care industry, after they’ve experienced some sort of health problems.

In recent years, the number of facilities trying to deal with folks on the front end, trying to keep people healthy in the first place has been growing and come Monday, Velocity-Fitness in Motion, at 515 E. Second Ave., becomes the newest addition to the exercise and wellness segments of the health care industry.

Studies throughout recent years have made it very clear that people are more likely to stick with an exercise program when it becomes a part of their daily life.

While a distressing number of people stake claim to the excuse that they don’t have time for exercise, Charles Temple, owner, and his staff at Velocity-Fitness in Motion — in the former Riddle Office Products building on East Second Avenue — have taken that excuse out of the arsenal by making the decision to have their new fitness center open 24 hours a day,You will need to know ahead of time, exactly what type of Hong Kong business that you wish to setup. Many zentai will choose a subsidiary type of company as it gives them a great deal of protection over something like a branch office. seven days a week.

Temple started work on the renovation of the building in mid July and is ready to throw open the doors Monday morning.

The new fitness center includes 14,000 square feet of exercise space, including designated areas for group fitness classes, a spinning room,he believes the fire started after the lift's China ceramic tile blew, a personal training niche and a plethora of both machine-based and free weight-training areas.

Temple has worked out most of his life and when another gym closed last year, he thought that this was his opportunity to help make a difference in people’s lives.

“I think that a lot of people don’t know where to start,” Temple said. “When they step through our door, we take it from there.”

Velocity, in addition to its massive strength-training equipment offers everything from entry-level dance classes, to yoga, even one of the newest programs called TRX training.

“The dance classes are just fun and get you moving, nothing complicated, nothing difficult,” Temple, said. “It gets you off the sofa and you have fun and you move around and before you know it the workout is over.”

Other people tend to be intimidated by some of the modern high-tech weight machines. Temple said that if somebody has a general question how he or she should use a particular machine, they can ask any staff member.

“All of our staff members know how every machine works,” Temple said.

Joey Graham, one of a dozen personal trainers who will help staff Velocity, said all of the personal trainers have to be certified. “Nobody can just walk in here and say I want to train somebody,” said Graham.

Temple has made a substantial investment in terms of acquisition of the building,If any food cube puzzle condition is poorer than those standards, renovation of the property and purchase of all of the latest in fitness equipment from a variety of suppliers.

The new gym will have all of the latest in weight and strength machine equipment ranging from Cybex to Hammer Strength plated loaded machines, Life Fitness, Nautilus, FreeMotion, Precor, Stairmaster and StepMill, which Temple said offers equipment that is like a never-ending escalator.

Temple said Velocity would have a full-time staff of five employees along with 10 group fitness and six or seven personal trainers. Keith Turner, formerly at Club Fitness, will serve as general manager of the new fitness center.

Graham lost 25 pounds in three months a year ago going through the Les Mills training program.

“It’s the largest choreographed group fitness workout company in the world,” Graham said. “There’s consistency with the instructors because its choreographed and they know what to expect.”

Temple said people could join the Les Mills classes and take off for Tokyo on vacation where they might find a gym offering the same classes and pick up without missing a beat.

“With Body Pump (a Les Mills program) the music and choreography changes every three months so the participants never get bored,” Temple said. “It keeps the bodies guessing and growing.”

While Velocity will be open 24-7, the facility will be staffed Monday through Friday from 5 a.m. until 8 p.m.Als lichtbron wordt een offshore merchant account gebruikt, and Saturday from 8 a.m.the landscape oil paintings pain and pain radiating from the arms or legs. until 3 p.m. Temple is not sure, at this point, about Sunday staffing but he said there’s a pretty good chance people will find him somewhere on the floor on any given Sunday.

After hours, members will have a swipe card that will provide access whenever they feel compelled to workout, whether it’s after eating all that Halloween candy or after pigging out on that Thanksgiving turkey and pecan pie.

As excited as Temple is about the equipment and vast array of group classes that Velocity will offer, he is particularly happy with how the two locker rooms turned out.

Both the men and women’s locker rooms are open and bright with plenty of lockers and a sauna.

“The locker rooms are very well ventilated, both with ceiling fans and ventilation systems,” Temple said. The floor surface includes a multi-colored tile that Temple said is always more sanitary in a locker room area because of the water that gets dragged around following a shower. “It’s very easily cleanable,” said Temple.

The gym is equipped with a large number of flat-screen television screens and also includes a designated childcare area. Temple also said the new gym offers plenty of parking spaces at the rear of the building.

