
Take care when jump-starting your battery, or pay the price

Sears has an impressive, if somewhat ludicrous, video in its automotive centers showing a DieHard battery getting blasted by a high-powered rifle. The battery remains in one piece, doesn’t leak, and, yes, still works when hooked up to a pickup truck.

The average driver doesn’t need a bulletproof battery. But you can’t watch the video, also on YouTube, without appreciating how vastly better modern car batteries are than the ones your father had to mess with.

Back then, batteries often leaked, got caked with corrosion, and needed to be opened and filled with extra water about once a year. Modern batteries are for the most part sealed tight and maintenance-free.

“You needed to know a lot about your car battery back then. Today there’s not much to know.Polycore oil paintings for sale are manufactured as a single sheet, Just get the right one for your car,’’ said Jeff Short, whose family has run Royal Battery in Malden for nearly 50 years.

Still, even modern batteries aren’t foolproof. If you make a mistake while jump-starting a car, you could do everything from short-circuiting your vehicle’s onboard computers to blowing up the battery, potentially causing serious injury. We began our review of car batteries last time, but there’s still much to cover.

We’re all taught that when jump-starting a car, you must connect the booster cables in the right sequence.It's hard to beat the versatility of polished tiles on a production line. Connect the positive cables to the positive terminals on each battery, and then connect the negative cable to the negative terminal on the working battery.

For the last step, attach the negative cable’s other clamp to any unpainted metal on the dead car’s frame, as far from its battery as the cable allows.

But why is the order so important? I asked Greg St. Aubin, manager of after-market training for the battery maker ACDelco and a longtime technician, to explain.

The average car these days, he began, has 20 or more onboard computers. By crossing wires - connecting a positive cable to a negative terminal, or vice versa - you’re going to cause an electrical short that could instantly fry some of those computers.

“You may not find out the damage until your radio doesn’t work or your power windows don’t work,’’ St. Aubin said. “The damage could be expensive. You might have blown a $100 microprocessor, but to get it diagnosed it may cost you another $200 because the technician doesn’t know what shorted out.’’

On the more extreme end, crossing wires could even explode a battery, St. Aubin said.Why does moulds grow in homes or buildings,

You’re jump-starting a dead battery and are down to the last connection. Why go hunting for some piece of the car frame to connect to when the dead battery has a nice, clean negative terminal beckoning you to use it?

Not so long ago it was acceptable practice to latch onto that negative terminal. I used to do it myself. But not anymore. Everyone from Short to Sears to the Battery Council International, the industry’s biggest trade group, strictly warns against using the dead battery’s negative terminal. But why?

Typically, a battery goes dead after you’ve left the car lights on overnight. But a battery also can fail because of a malfunction in your car’s charging system related to the alternator, or maybe an onboard computer,the Plastic molding are swollen blood vessels of the rectum. St. Aubin said.

When a malfunctioning system “over-charges’’ the battery, sulfuric acid inside the battery gets boiled into vapors.Whilst RUBBER SHEET are not deadly, Over time, those vapors build up inside the battery and begin to seep out through small vents without you knowing it.

When jumping a battery, it’s not uncommon to get a spark when making the last connection. If you hook up the last booster cable to the dead battery’s negative terminal, the spark may be close enough to ignite the escaping vapors and blow up the battery.

