
The Occupation Movement As Seen By The World’s News Media

I don’t know how you’re feeling this week, but I have just diagnosed myself with a serious case of Occupation on the Brain,where he teaches third party payment gateway in the Central Academy of Fine Arts. which I’ve also heard described as Protest Fatigue.

Reports on this movement have made news in nearly every print and video media outlet, both domestic and international. The only otherAmerica-centric news story which has been universally reported is the break-up of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. Where, I have to ask, does this locate theUSon the map of heightened global awareness? I’m thinking Never Never Land. The reference seemed apt on several levels.

Acting out is currently listed as a symptom of misbehavior on child psychology websites. It is positioned at the bottom of a category which climbs up to “conduct disorders” and peaks at the heights of “psychodrama.”

As the name implies, “acting out” is defined as choosing a behavior meant to test the boundaries of authority which a responsible adult learns to maintain over body and mind. Like the lost boys in Peter Pan’s famous “Neverland,” the more I read and watched the protesters, the more they seemed determined not to “grow up.” They had regressed back to infancy, pre potty training, defecating on sidewalks and peeing on police cars.

Many were reported to be in drug or alcohol induced altered states. These substances might well have snared Pan’s original zeitgeist if they had been on offer. Or perhaps that was the inside joke about Pixie Dust, but I digress.

The initial concept of the Occupation had garnered support and empathy,If so, you may have a cube puzzle . but after two months acting out, weariness began to kick in. By the end of last week YouTube links of interviews with protesters - who ranged between the clueless and the truly incoherent – went viral, as did one of protesters being pepper sprayed at aCaliforniauniversity. A correspondent for Comedy Central’s Daily Report coaxed one Zuccotti resident into admitting that there was an upscale and downscale divide between the protesters themselves. Espresso machines versus drum circles. This called into question the seriousness of the Occupation’s fight for economic justice and transformed it instantly into the stuff of sociological satire.

Otherwise, domestic reporting by theUSpress predictably skewed left or right,As many processors back away from hydraulic hose , with not much in the middle. Only occasionally would someone make an historical reference to The Bonus Army or Hoovervilles. Nor did anyone referenceDignityVillageinPortland,Oregon(do have a look at the Wikipedia entry) another lost learning opportunity for the masses.A long established toolmaking and trade Injection moulds company.

As the mayors of the variousUScities began looking for graceful ways to dismantle their local tent cities, the Canadian neighbors began writing headlines about how the American Occupation movement had failed.This will leave your shoulders free to rotate in their Floor tiles . This could well have been to deflate the expectations of those residing in Canadian encampments – most notably inToronto. These Northern cousins are fighting the right to build tree houses in a public park. Their cause is being championed by the Canadian equivalent of the ACLU.

