
Wine Kegs Could Help Save Money And The Environment

When you say you're having a "kegger," you may now have to be more specific. That's right, kegs aren't just for beer (or frat parties) anymore, there's a new kid in town to the world of portable booze: wine.The same Air purifier, cover removed. As an article in The Globe and Mail reported, wine on tap is a new system making its way into bars and restaurants in North America.

Wine barrels have been around for ages, but the new pouring system is being hailed as eco-friendly and cost effective. The kegs are made of stainless steal, contain about 20 litres, and use pressurized nitrogen to push the wine through a draft spout like beer.

Quentin Kayne, a restaurant manager in Penticton, British Columbia admitted to The Globe and Mail that he had his reservations at first:

"But I was remarkably surprised. There's no residual nitrogen notes or scent to it. There's no need for sulphur dosing. And because it's pressurized, unlike the boxed wines, there's no oxygen contact. It comes out perfect every time, always as the winemaker intended it to taste, from the first glass to the last."

As it turns out that wine on tap could be as good for your wallet as it is for the environment. Wine bottle-preservation systems can cost thousands of dollars, but any bar or restaurant that has a draft-beer system can simply add the new service. Likewise,What are the top Hemroids treatments?what are the symptoms of Piles, having wine on tap would almost eliminate waste from glass bottles,An Insulator, also called a dielectric, cases, and corks.

There's no denying that the wine bottle will always have its romance,is the 'solar panel revolution' upon us? but for establishments looking to make the beverage cheaper and more accesible, there may be a future for wine on tap.

