
Is your thyroid on the fritz?

Kristin Angelov was 26 when the exhaustion hit. Getting up in the morning was a superhuman effort, a struggle compounded by her suddenly dismal mood.

"I would be in meetings at work and feel so tired and dizzy, like I was going to pass out," she says.print still offers the only truly dstti unlimited 4G plan in America, and it's the only service you can safely use as an alternative to a home Internet connection. And though the once-energetic writer stuck to a healthy diet, she packed on five pounds in two weeks. What's more, whenever she stepped out into the cold, her fingernails and toes turned a faint shade of blue.This page list rubber hose products with details & specifications. She dragged herself to her primary-care doctor, who ran a series of tests. Kristin's big problems, her M.D. told her, stemmed from a small place--the thyroid gland in her neck.

Cancer on the rise
While incidences of some cancers, including breast and cervical, have been steadily dropping (hooray!),Full color plastic card printing and manufacturing services. thyroid cancer is on the rise: An estimated 45,000 new cases were diagnosed last year,This is interesting cube puzzle and logical game. and 75 percent of those were in women, according to the American Cancer Society. What's more, the majority of sufferers are much younger than the typical cancer patient.

"Twenty-one percent of women who undergo surgery for thyroid cancer at our center are under the age of 35,Free DIY Wholesale pet supplies Resource!" says endocrine surgeon Keith Heller, M.D., of New York University Langone Medical Center. The encouraging news? If you are diagnosed and treated early, the cure rate is close to 99 percent.

